How to Convince Customers to Share Data After GDPR

data privacy
25 May 2018

In recent years, marketers have lived through the Era of Big Data, and the Era of Personalization, and now we are living through the “Era of Consent.” With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) going into effect on May 25th, businesses will be required to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens. For marketers, this means updating your privacy policies, but more importantly, it means finding innovative new ways to connect with customers and gather consent to use their data in order to continue your “marketing relationship” with them.

Marketers across the European Union (EU) have been preparing for this new regulation for months. Yet the regulation impacts all companies globally, including those in the United States, that collect and manage data on citizens in the EU. Many global marketers are still struggling to understand what steps they need to take to prepare for this regulation and how it will impact their marketing strategy moving forward.

Regardless of whether you are collecting and managing data on EU citizens now or plan to in the future, here are some tips for surviving this new Era of Consent.

Personalization and Customization: The Answer to Retaining Customers

The question that is top of mind for many marketers is whether or not the GDPR impacts existing customers who have already given consent to their data. The answer? It does. According to the regulation, consent is defined as “a statement or a clear affirmative action” from a customer. This could mean having your customers check a box on your website or respond to an email. Even if they have given consent in the past, it likely won’t be recognized under the GDPR, so you’ll have to get consent again.

So how can you convince your customers to willingly share their information? By being as transparent as possible about how their data is being used and maintained. This means delivering personalized content and tailored products or service recommendations to your customers to ensure that they are reaping the benefits of this new regulation. Offer them the chance to update their marketing preferences, and focus on the benefits they will gain by sharing such information. If they see relevant offerings being delivered to them, they’re more likely to stay engaged with the brand.

Personalization is by no means a new concept, but GDPR is forcing both B2C and B2B marketers to truly embrace individualized communication that is tailored to customers’ unique interests if they wish to retain customer data. Brands are adopting different methods of personalization to encourage consumers to “opt-in.” One method is to deliver content that is tailored to the individual’s preferences and to a specific part of the customer journey. For example, consumers can opt-in to receive an e-book that addresses some of their unique industry challenges. Developing fun, personalized, engaging videos and interactive marketing tools like chatbots can provide a great way to show your brand’s value and get consumers to engage and opt-in during the engagement. Consumers have a fear of missing out, so make sure your consumers understand exactly what they will be missing out on. Ultimately, it boils down to knowing your audience and being attentive and flexible to their needs. Change the way you create and offer content to your customers, with the main goal being that they will want to consume more. While it may seem like a complicated task in the B2B world, consider progressive “opt-in” options to entice your customers to share more information as they move through the funnel.

Addressing the Third-Party Data Dilemma

Third-party data is likely to be the biggest headache for global marketers. Under the GDPR, it’s not just your company that is liable for compliance: it’s your entire vendor ecosystem that is processing this customer data. Many marketing professionals rely on third-party vendors (such as customer relationship management systems (CRMs) and email service providers) to interact with customers. As the controller, it’s your responsibility to speak with any third-party partners that are processing your customer data and ensure they are taking the proper steps to remain compliant. This includes having the tools in place that will allow them to both retrieve and delete user data — a major component of the GDPR.

The New Realities of Omnichannel Marketing

One of the biggest pain points in the era of consent is the potential loss of data. Customers have the right to opt-in or out of communications and the type of data they are sharing. This will greatly impact lead generation. For example, marketers often use IP addresses to understand customer behavioral patterns. Under the GDPR, this data will be lost unless the customer consents to sharing this information. For marketers, this means losing crucial information on behavior, location, and preferences. Executing a personalized omnichannel strategy will become extremely difficult, which is why it’s essential to educate your customers on how their data is being used to ultimately benefit them in the long-run.

Preparing for a Sprint — Not a Marathon — With Automation

Complying with the GDPR is no small task, and one that humans alone can’t execute. IT departments are investing in compliance and security solutions to remain compliant, but marketers should also consider new investments. If a customer requests to be unsubscribed from marketing communications, businesses have a small window to ensure they are removed from the system. Investing in smart, AI-based solutions to automate these types of updates is critical to ensure that they are made in a timely fashion.

There is no doubt that the GDPR is changing the way global marketers interact with their EU customers. However, many are choosing to embrace this change and use it to create a much more personalized marketing approach that will eventually lead to more qualified and targeted leads. With the right process, people and technology in place, the era of consent and the GDPR can lead to smarter, and stronger connections between organizations and consumers.
