Few Interesting Facts and Statistics about the Blockchain Technology


Do you know that Blockchain is the first ever technology that has huge potential for humanity? This technology is poised to transform everything from money to business to the entire World! With Blockchain, every kind of assets is stored cryptographically without any third party interference. For the first time in the history, people can trust each other via this distributed ledger technology which is immutable. So, to understand this better, here are few facts and statistics listed about the Blockchain technology. Hope it takes you closer to consider investing in this technology.

Facts and Statistics about the Blockchain Technology

Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani mentioned in a Harvard Business Review article titled, “The truth about Blockchain,” that, Blockchain is not a disruptive technology, which can overtake other business models quickly. Instead, the technology stands as a foundational technology that can build new foundations for the betterment of the society and the economics.

Blockchain is a technology that has the power to take the hold. It has no role for the intermediaries. Organizations work with machines and algorithms to transact and interact with ease via this technology. The potential of Blockchain is immense.


To wrap it – The Blockchain Technology is here to Rule

If you will it, it is no dream. 

You can embrace this technology for trust, prosperity and success. So, connect the fragments and comprehend. Get motivated to change. Else, you will be left alone! The blockchain technology is here to rule.

The implications are truly fascinating.

If you are looking for Blockchain application developers, then get in touch with us and find out how OpenXcell’s Blockchain development services can help you increase your business productivity.

As a leading Blockchain Development Company in India and USA, OpenXcell operates with a team of dedicated Blockchain developers and designers to meet the evolving needs of business and the society.
